Sunday, 27 January 2013

Day 28: Be vigilant

A nice, short tip for today, and something we first introduced on Day 16:

Tip 28:  Learn to spot the early signs of relapse.

Imagine you have just had a bad day in terms of moving towards your goal.  Perhaps you gave into temptation and had that bar of chocolate that was on the counter in the newsagent.  Maybe you looked out of the window, saw it was raining and didn't go running.  Or perhaps you didn't motivate your team in the way that you promised you would.

OK, so you might have had an off-day, but there is still learning to be had from it.  As you review what happened, keep going back in time and try to identify the earliest thing that happened that caused this lapse.  Using the examples above, perhaps the dieter bought the chocolate bar because he/she didn't have breakfast.  Why not? Maybe they were in a hurry that day?  Why?  Perhaps they didn't do all their preparation the night before?  The rule is, try to find the earliest sign that you can do something about.  If you do this each time you have a lapse, you will gradually learn to spot the early signs as they happen, so you can take corrective action before you actually lapse.

If you deviate from your plan, don't be hard on yourself.  Use it as an opportunity to learn.  Plan to do something immediately that puts you back on track.

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