Wednesday 2 January 2013

Day 3: Write it down

One way of checking that your goal is SMART is:

Tip 3:  Write it down

This is a good way of getting clarity, as you have to organise your thoughts and turn them into some kind of external output (a written statement of your intention).  The process of externalising your thoughts can itself be an aid to getting clarity.  It will also link nicely with some of the other things we will be talking about in the next few days.  Once you have written it, check it for its 'SMARTness'.  You might even want to read it to a friend.  If they can understand your goal, then it is likely to be clear enough.  If you have access to a coach or someone who is familiar with the SMART process get them to question you about your goal.  

If you aren't sure, post up your goal here and we might be able to offer you some advice!

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