Sunday, 3 January 2016

Standing on the shoulders of giants.

This one might seem a bit cheesy, but it's worth a try!  It's very simple and you can use it to easily and instantly change your  mood.  Sometimes, someone else comes up with simple phrase which carries meaning for you.  (In my first job in manufacturing, there was a electrician, nearing retirement, who used to tell all us young 'uns, 'Life's not like the Grand National son; you don't go round a second time'. 30 years on I still remember it!)

Thought for the day:  Choose a quote that you find inspirational or thought provoking.  Place it somewhere where you can see it frequently throughout the day.  Without thinking too hard about it, read the quote and reflect on how your world would be different, if you acted as if it were true?

There are many sources of quotes on the internet or via apps.  You can also view a plentiful supply on Pinterest.  Why not put make one your screen saver for the day, or create a schedule to receive a new, positive quote on your mobile for your commute to work?

Here's one to get you started!

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