Happy new year everyone! We hope you have a prosperous and fulfilling year. In 2013 we created a 30 day self-help plan for anyone who had set themselves some new year resolutions (and were actually interested in keeping them!).
This year we have decided to take a different approach. Rather than concentrating on setting and attaining goals, we want to invite you to think about well-being? What does well-being mean to you in terms of:
- Health?
- Fitness?
- Relationships?
- Happiness?
- Growth?
- Diet?
- Spirituality?
- Innovation or starting something new?
- The Arts?
Why is well-being so important? We think it's the bedrock to many of the other things you might want in life, including the goals you set. Taking care of your well-being gives you the best possible start of achieving what you want to achieve.
Each day, over January 2016, we will give you a handy tip or simply something to think about over the course of the day that can help to promote your sense of well-being. It's not a prescriptive programme, and you might find that not everything is for you. But we do hope to provide you with some simple ideas that you can easily include in your other daily activities.
We'd love to hear about your own ideas too, so please post up and share!
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