Another chance coincidence has prompted this post. A couple of days ago, two colleagues, independently told me of their experiences of being turned down for a job and the feedback they had received from the recruiter to justify their decision. I'm paraphrasing a bit to protect confidentiality, but one was told her 'personality' might become wearing after a few days. Strange comment as a) personality was not one of the recruitment criteria and b) this was an internal vacancy and the applicant had been working very successfully for the company (with her personality) for many years. The other applicant (for a completely different company) was told, ' We wanted to offer you the job but we didn't think you would say 'Yes'... so we didn't make you and offer'. This is up there with the kind of thinking that Marvin the Paranoid Android in The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
So it got me thinking, what's the worst feedback you have had when being turned down for a role?
Find us on Twitter @enthiostraining and post up your own experiences #badjobfeedback
Find us on Twitter @enthiostraining and post up your own experiences #badjobfeedback